In Czech.
Do you know how many individuals and companies want to enter the Czech market every day and open their business in Czech? At the same time, they meet with various institutions at every step, complex administrative procedures, numerous bodies and individuals, who do little to help them, close the doors to them rather than offer them active and quick help? This means a huge loss of time for them, additional (unnecessary) costs, and so forth.

Time = money !
Our company, Agencija Spin d.o.o., was last year the leading company and the biggest one in the field of sales of companies in the markets of Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Austria, professional assistance to individuals and companies from abroad. In doing so, we have helped to open more than 800 companies with our comprehensive solutions and our own “OSS – One Stop Shop” service system! Our biggest advantage is exactly the speed, lower notarial costs and, above all, the guarantee that the company is really 100% “clean” without debts, which is also signed with a notary and for what we more than guaranteed! For this reason, we will be pleased to cooperate with you, as we are sure that in addition to buying a company, we can offer you a whole package of additional benefits that you get when you buy the company, which is also our difference. our added value for you as a customer (more in the e-mail below).
Why do business in the Czech Republic? :
- good geographical position of the country (represents the bridge between Eastern and Central Europe);
political and economic stability (a rapidly growing economy with large (foreign) investors));
flexible legislation;
the availability of a well-educated workforce;
a large supply of industrial plots and business premises;
payment discipline;
high innovation potential;
Our services include :
- – Establishment of a new company in the Czech Republic (the whole process of establishing a company)
- – Purchase of an existing company:
- which is not a taxable company
- which is a taxable company
- – Accounting Services
- – Virtual office
- – Opening a bank account
- – Court translations of the certificate of impunity
- – Special authorization
- – Obtaining the status of a taxable company
The process of establishing d. o. o. in the Czech Republic :
roughly in 6 steps:
1. Information about the partner – name and surname, date of birth, copy of identity card, address of residence
2. company name, address (which we can offer you)
3. the purpose of doing business (in the Czech Republic there is a list of unregulated business such as sales, retail, etc. However, there are specialized businesses (for example lawyers) for which you need a special authorization)
4. Certificate of impunity
5. Then we can prepare documents
6. The entire process of obtaining all the necessary documents takes 10-15 days