Buy a company in Slovenia.
Do you know how many individuals and companies want to enter the Slovenian market every day and open their business in Slovenia? At the same time, they meet with various institutions at every step, complex administrative procedures, numerous bodies and individuals, who do little to help them, close the doors to them rather than offer them active and quick help? This results in a huge loss of time, (unnecessary) additional costs, and so forth.

Time = money !
Our company, SPIN Agency, was last year the leading company and the biggest one in the field of sales of companies in the markets of Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Austria, professional assistance to individuals and companies from abroad. In doing so, we have helped to open more than 1500 companies with our comprehensive solutions and our own “OSS – One Stop Shop” TM service system! Our biggest advantage is exactly the speed, lower notarial costs and, above all, the guarantee that the company is really 100% “clean” without debts, which is also signed with a notary and for what we more than guarantee! For this reason, we will be pleased to cooperate with you, as we are sure that in addition to buying a company, we can offer you a whole package of additional benefits that you get when you buy the company, which is also our difference, our added value for you as a customer (more info below).
One of our advantages is that a transfer of the company and a decision on entry in the court register (which you must obtain after registration) can be obtained within one day! So you will be able to start doing business and implementing your business ideas the very next day!
Start doing business now !
The amendment to the Companies Act ZGD-1I (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia No. 55/2015, effective from August 5, 2015 onwards) further restricted the establishment of companies for entities with unfair business practices, by preventing the chaining of companies to achieve non-entrepreneurial goals. After a thorough professional analysis of experts and based on the principles of SPIN Agency, we can assure you that the entire procedure is carried out with appropriate contracts, and we advise you in connection with the entire procedure, how and what needs to be arranged in the future. Therefore, there are no obstacles to leave the start of our business to us and thus avoid potential problems in the future. Namely, companies are appearing on the market that, according to our research, are sending misleading messages and offers / comparisons and introducing bad business practices in this area. We were also reminded of this by clients with bad experiences, as things were not done as promised, companies were already overburdened, over-indebted, etc.
We will be happy if you decide to use our services, which offer you the opportunity to open your offices in Ljubljana, Brežice and Zagreb (which we offer as the only one in Slovenia)!
We sell companies !
We sell companies (LLC.) that were previously set up only by us and whose owner is SPIN Agency. Only then we can fully guarantee that companies are clean and without any obligation. Such companies are brand new (have not yet performed) and were created only to be sold to our customers.
We do not sell used companies. We do not sell those because we can’t not know their exact financial background!

We arrange for you :
- The entire process of setting up LLC / d.o.o.
- Payment of initial capital – € 7.500
- The transfer of established company (that has not yet been actively operating) to you as the new owner
- All necessary contracts and other notarial matters (edited transcript of a notary, in agreement with you)
- The possibility of free assistance when choosing professional accounting
- The opening of a bank account with lowest fees of account management

Additional discount when buying a new company !
This way, we enable you to buy a company by which you become the owner of the company as a basic unit for a faster start of your operational business!