In Bosnia.

Do you know how many individuals and companies want to enter the bosnian market every day and open their business in Bosnia? At the same time, they meet with various institutions at every step, complex administrative procedures, numerous bodies and individuals, who do little to help them, close the doors to them rather than offer them active and quick help? This means a huge loss of time for them, additional (unnecessary) costs, and so forth.

Time = money !

Our company, Agencija Spin d.o.o., was last year the leading company and the biggest one in the field of sales of companies in the markets of Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Austria, professional assistance to individuals and companies from abroad. In doing so, we have helped to open more than 800 companies with our comprehensive solutions and our own “OSS – One Stop Shop” service system! Our biggest advantage is exactly the speed, lower notarial costs and, above all, the guarantee that the company is really 100% “clean” without debts, which is also signed with a notary and for what we more than guaranteed! For this reason, we will be pleased to cooperate with you, as we are sure that in addition to buying a company, we can offer you a whole package of additional benefits that you get when you buy the company, which is also our difference. our added value for you as a customer (more in the e-mail below).

Opening of limited liability company (l.l.c.) – Registration procedure

The opening of a d.o.o. means the delivery of the founding act and other documents in the register of business entities in the municipal court according to the location of the company’s registered office. The procedure for opening a company is finalized by issuing a decision on the registration of the company. Once this document is issued, company is established and after the finalization of post-registration procedures (lasting several days), a registered business activity can start.

Opening of limited liability company (l.l.c.) – Post registration procedure

Registration with tax authorities, creation of a seal of a newly created company, registration of a tax number for foreigners, registration of a company with the tax administration and obtaining a tax number, obtaining a statistical number, registration for VAT (if VAT registration is required or desirable in the circumstances) and registration of a customs number (if necessary).

Share capital :

The share capital may consist of cash and non-cash inputs. The minimum initial capital amounts to 1,000 BAM (cca 500 EUR), which must be paid up to the time of filing of the application for registration of the establishment of the company in the register of business entities. The value of an individual deposit must not be less than 100 BAM (approximately 50 EUR).

Opening of a d.o.o usually takes about 15 working days, from the date of submitting the completed application and documentation.